Thursday, July 6, 2017

6 Days to go!!

Six days until race day

Got a lot done last night. Need to get welding. Got a very cool announcement coming up. Stay tuned….

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

T- Minus 7 days

So I have been a little quiet on the derby car. The last several days have been trying...
Picked up a new battery, but when it was hooked up to start the car, the car would turn over but not fire. Took a long time to trust myself that the distributor assembly (with ignition) was the problem. As well as committing funds to the part. Found a remanufactured one for the right price. So, a little behind in the build.

Still need to finish removing the exhaust, rear windshield and leftover HVAC parts to stay away from the accessory belt and pulleys.
Still need to weld in the driver side door bars, bar behind the seat and bar(s) from the roof to the floor.
Still need to figure out how to strap down the fuel tank in the back seat.
Still need to wire the trunk, doors and hood shut.
Still need to paint the car and put the sign on the roof (per rules, for scoring purposes)

Still need to have more fun!!

Until next time...