Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Failed Go-Karting Enduro Trip

So, the task is simple, gather 1-3 friends and go race a go-kart for 2 hours. With qualifying, driver changes and strategy. Simple concept...of course if we actually GOT to race this blog post might be a little more interesting. We were on the waiting list and well...everyone showed up for the Nov. 26th Kart2Kart endurance race.

Our Team

Scott S. (officially car chief of TF American Racing...if he likes it or not) and great friend and now former co-worker, who knows his way around a car, but prefers only going straight (i.e. Has a 1/4 mile Mustang...topping out at over 500hp).

Vidhyesh K. - former co-worker and wicked fast in a go-kart

Emmanual V. - co-worker and wicked fast in a go-kart

And somehow...when we do race on Dec. 29th...I feel like I will be the anchor. I feel it has a little bit to do with the 60-100 pounds I add to the kart versus everyone else!

We did stick around for a little bit. And watched a little practice, before I headed to my weekly visit to the Home Depot for home improveement materials and tools (future blog entry). There were fellow Waterford Hills racers there. Jon Horgas and Jacob Carpenter ended up taking the win (info via Facebook). Also there was Dennis Baran and Bill Wise. All open wheel drivers...hmmm...interesting, light and nibble karts and the open wheeler drivers are driving them.

Goal - finish in Top 5...out of 12 teams...when we race on Dec. 29th. Can't wait!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How breaking an $8 part costs $1500... and then some! here we are, the story of the Saturn.

The official "Daily Driver / car that goes and picks up car parts for the racecar" of TF American Racing had a little issue last October. The 2005 L300 Saturn is a slick looking 4 door sedan with at that time 128,000 miles. Driving home from work, the engine started making some bad noises near home.

A little history, my neighbor, at the time, Tim had let me know he just replaced valves on another Saturn with 120,000 miles, just like mine (same V6, 3.0L engine) because the timing belt broke...ah nice, inference motor. So we caught it just in time. The timing belt was replaced in September at 126,000 miles. It was time.

Then on the above mentioned date, the bolt to the timing belt idler pulley broke… loosing the timing belt, that eventually shredded. The pulley broke the plastic cover covering all the pulleys and naturally smashing valves. The bolt had spun out and then broke…not sure if we didn’t tighten the bolt when we replaced the timing belt…or the new belt created strain. Greatfully, I had driven to Cedar Point a month early after replacing the belt...blessed it didn't break then.

So Tim offered to help do the same job on mine he did on the previous one. We went to work. The parts came from 5 different sources ($12 a piece for the valves from…better than $171 from the dealer). The broken bolt…yep, $8 from the dealer. Probably close to $1100 in parts. Why the $1500 then...driving a 2 ton, 11 mpg, $4 a gallon, van in place of the 25mpg Saturn over a few months...I am being generous.

The repair took time. The broken bolt was the toughest part. It had to come out of the block and it was right in line with the front frame beam. I tried spinning it with a screw driver and welding on it…both unsuccessful. Dave, came over and had the right tools for the job. A little drill here and a tap and spin there…all good!

Between October and June…yes June the car was finally finished. Tim went back to work, as he was unemployed when he started the job, and between work, winter, the broken bolt in the block, the holidays, planning the wedding, having the wedding and the honeymoon, I didn’t get much time to it.

So this is where the story usually ends….but it doesn’t

About 100 miles after the repair…the car started running on 5 cylinders…well at least that is how it started acting. All the lights would come on in the dash and the car did not like idle. The farther it drove the worse the electronics tried to compensate for the issue. Off to the dealership…they stated it was a loss of compression in cylinder #1. Off to Jefferson Motor Service and speedy racer Jim Lamb, owner/operator. Well the car did have a compression issues, but not enough to do what it was doing. Jim still to this day doesn’t know what is wrong with it. He would try to fix one thing and something else would act up…ah yes the issues. So, Jim being the nice guy he is offered a trade. Ta-Da, 2000 SL Saturn 4cyl with 134K, new tires and new transmission…and most importantly…running.

One day Jim will get to that motor and fine out what is wrong with it…until then…

God Bless, be safe …and make sure you get those bolts tight on the engine!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm is great...and an announcement

Soooo…hello world…its been a while…about seven months...

What’s new? Where do I begin?

Our wedding was wonderful, a truly perfect day. We were surrounded by approximately 170 family and friends. We had a great, memorable time. Thanks to all involved and made our day special.

The honeymoon was great. We left the Wednesday after the wedding…couldn’t believe how small airplane seats get after 8 hours. Italy was wonderful with stops in Rome, Naples, Pompay, Sorrento (hotel overlooking the was wonderful!), Capri, Florence, Pisa, Verona, and Venice. Had beautiful weather everyday but Venice where it was cold and raining. We spent two wonderful relaxing weeks there, saw beautiful scenery, met some great people and ate some great food. Even saw the 1000 Miglia in Verona…really cool seeing vintage and modern sportcars driving through the narrow streets of Italy.

Work is work, busy and will be busier as new programs get nearer. I have to get moving in my side business, need to and want to.

The racing – I did not hit the track this summer. Never found the justification of funds…especially with Jenna now pregnant with our boy. Yep, Jenna is about 22 weeks pregnant, due Mid-March. We are working on names, but not anything decided. It is pretty cool knowing you have been part of God's miracle…I don’t think it has hit me yet that I will be a Father and responsible for him yet, but I am sure it will set in sometime soon.

Jenna and I are awesome…we are. I am having the most wonderful time in my life with her. She brings me much joy and much happiness. Marriage is work, and dedication, but with God’s help we are very much up to it.

We did head to three amazing concerts this summer. Christian bands and singers at DTE Music Threater (or Pine Knob, as we like to call it). Our favorites…Jars of Clay, Third Day and Toby Mac!

We as a couple have been going to a couple’s bible study together. It is much fun and it is great to hang around like minded people, our age. Most are married and some have young children. Learning and growing together is our goal...and we plan on continuing to do such as long as we exist.

A few weeks ago I found out an interesting tidbit about the church we go to, The River. I also go to a Men’s bible study that Pastor Jim leads. Come to find out, I use to run derby against him. Yeah the Pastor of the church raced Figure-8 and demolition derby at the Davisburg Fair…how cool is that? He didn’t run this year and the last time he did he broke his shoulder blade…ouch.
In the men’s bible study we are studying Nehemiah. It is interesting to learn about Nehemiah, and Pastor compares himself to Nehemiah. It got me thinking…I am more like Noah…I was a Northern race fan before it was mainstream. I do things a little different than anybody else…sometimes that gets me into trouble. And Noah just listened to God, no matter what people said to him. I am the same way; listen to God…no matter what others say.

Also, one other event my wife and I attended was the Waterford Hills Road Racing banquet. We had a blast. I even won a free OCSC membership…pretty cool. It was great to recognize all the winners. Chris Tumpkin was this year’s Driver of the year (most points scored). Not bad for an ITB racer. Hopefully Old Glory can be put together and ran against his Capri in the future. That would be a fun event to be part of.

I am no longer serving on the BoD at Waterford Hills. I had a great time, but with a bad Saturn (still need to tell that story), the house requiring upgrades (and not just a baby’s room), a broken furnace (bye-bye racing fund) and a new marriage, it was time to focus on more important things in life. I don’t plan on leaving Waterford Hills. I will still be involved, I plan to still write for the website and help when and where I can. It will just be in a smaller role. I loved being part of the Board, it was great, I learn a lot and made many friends. Truly memorable. Jim D. also took a step back this year, he is no longer the President and Joel H. will be the new President. Waterford Hills is in good shape. I am excited for the future. I can wait to be back on the track and be part of it.

Blog is odd that I haven't written so much in a while. I truly believe having someone to share your life with you allows you to communicate out all your thoughts, emotions, etc. I think before I did not have that as much. You sit at home and yourself, and yourself...and stew yourself. Thus...writing to the whole free world on a blog...well that was an outlet. But don't worry...I have many things still to talk about. And the racing will come back...not right now, but it will come back. Sooooo...I guess I am saying that communicating with my wife is more important than writing on a blog. But know I will be writing a bit more. Winter is here and then there won't be THAT much to do...granted, baby on the way brings on some tasks to do. I will try my best.

Be safe, enjoy life and drive safe…watch out for those blinding Christmas lights…in November!

Ah...the bully with the racecar...

I will be posting soon a new post to get you all up to the meantime...

I saw the "accident" with Kyle Busch in the truck Series this weekend (OK in Texas a few weekends ago).

He really is just a bully with a racecar.

Wrecking Ron in the corner...I can see it
Racing for the win...I can see it.

But not, when he is in a Championship points battle.
Not when it is 13 laps into the race.
And absolutely never under CAUTION!!!!

Come on, did you forget your brain?

Be safe, and no wrecking racecars under caution.