Friday, April 15, 2011

Still here!

...I am still here.

What have I been up too over the winter?

Fixing a Saturn 3.0L engine, that will not be fixed. (a blog feature coming up soon)
Driving a van around at 11mpg and $4.00 a gallon
Planning a wedding / honeymoon / being in love (mushy...isn't it!?)
Some go-kart racing
Some minor home improvements
Trying to stay warm
Serving on the Waterford Hills BoD
Working too much on new projects at work
Family and friends, outing/events/gatherings
Talking to potential sponsors

What does the future hold?
Scrapping a Saturn...or beating it with a bat...or entering it in a demo derby :-)

What else?
Getting married, going on a honeymoon to Italy, and relaxing

And your racing plans? race, renting a....oh I can't give it away can I?...This driver has been humbled at the offers.

Derby?...probably not...well...if the Saturn doesn't work out...the racing budget has (mostly) became the wedding budget...LOL. But I have a few cars to scrap...thus adding to the racing budget. ;-)

Wedding is April 30th...CAN NOT WAIT!

Not sure if I will post between now and the wedding...probably not until we return for Italy!

Hope all is well in your worlds out there...until next time.

Be safe and keep it on the road. God Bless!